Thursday, May 30, 2013

I know it's been a while since I posted anything here. I think I will start posting some nice summer recipe's. stay tuned.
Keeping It Healthy!!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Calories, Charts, and Boards. Oh MY!

     Okay, I said I was going to write something every week. I don’t think that is going to happen. Where I last left you, I was talking about my mental health issues. I am not saying that I am crazy but I am very analytical. I waist too much time thinking about things. It can get complicated in there. So, I will not discuss the complexities of my mind. That is one of the reasons I didn’t write anything for weeks. My mind wouldn’t let me.
     Last week I decided that I would have to buckle down and do something about my weight. I had to because I didn’t win the “New Year, New You” contest. I thought (Not too much) how am I going to do this? First thing I did was get a calorie counter. After looking at several different ones, I chose SLIMCOACH by MYTACK.
Slimcoach will indicate with a circle of light how far along you are until you reach your goal for the day. When reaching your goal for the day, it will turn the full circle Green. It is really cool. It is working well so far. I have been getting there really quick. I’ll show you why I get there so quickly.


     Here is the chart that indicates to me how many calories I need to burn for the day. It will start at a very low level and increase it every day until I hit my target date with my target calorie burn. Now I am only burning 290 cal. for the day. That is a low number compared to my ultimate goal for this health plan. It will increase in calorie burn every day. By the end of this, I would be burning 1,380 cal. It also calculated how much time it should take me to loose the weight. On May 11th I will be 180 lbs. and that is 54 pounds liter. That is the general idea.
ScreenHunter_03 Feb. 14 22.00 

     I thought of one more thing that would help me in my journey to weight lose. I got it from "The Secret”. I created a vision board. On my board you find my ultimate body goal and my ultimate weight goal. You can see that I also put my current goal of 180 lbs. I will also track how much weight I have lost. Every week on Monday is weigh in. The next weigh in is on February 20. As you can see I have lost 4.4 lbs. this week. YAY!!!! DSC_2352     In concussion, I have finally started my weight lose journey. It will not be easy as I have seen by my first week. I just have to remain focused. I am exercising every day and becoming aware of my eating habits. Wish me luck. Have a wonderful day. I talk at you soon.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Stair to Health

It has been a rough week. I quite didn't start my exercise program the way I wanted it to. I tell you it's all mental with me. If I am not happy, I don't want to do anything. It seems I never want to do anything. here  
Earlier this week twas a little breakthrough. 
Stairs go up!
Stairs go down!
I was talking to my friend about the video I had made for the contest that I had joined. He mentioned that I won't go out in the cold to walk or run. So, he asked, "what floor do you live on?" I told him I lived on the third floor. Then he asked "how many floors does the building has?" I told him seven. Then he recommended that I walk up and down the stairs to get my exercise on. As I mentioned, I have not done what I wanted. I only did it once. I wanted to do it for a half an hour. I did only about twenty minutes. I was actually exhausted after about ten minutes. I pushed myself on. 
     In life there are many obstacles. This week I learned that a good friend of mine is in the hospital in a coma. It was very sudden and it doesn't look good. I hope and pray that a miracle happens. I stay in mediation and prayer for the people in my life and forget about me. I am in deep thought of how our friendship could have been better. I think, should I have been more open in our relationship? I would have been more of a friend. I think of the coulda, shoulda, wouldas in my life and never the doing.
     Like I said it's all mental with me. I have to get passed all my mental issues in order to move forward in my life and weight loss journey. Things will happen and I have to live with it. I am a simple man with a complicated mind. I need to simplify the mind and complicate the man.  It sounds a little selfish, but if I don't there won't be a me. I will touch upon this next week. I think I need to let it all out.
     Enough of my rambling. I will get to climbing the stairs this week and see how many steps it take for me to go up and down. That way I can see how many calories I am burning and adjust my diet accordingly. I'll talk at you guys next week.

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Beginning

     Happy New Year everybody. Fist and foremost I would love to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year to you and your family. As with most years we are hopeful that the beginning of a new year will bring a scene of new beginnings. This year is no different. For me, I never make a resolution because I never keep it. I'm not going to start here, but I will say that there will be some changes in my life commencing today.
     As many others, I am determined to take off this weight this year. I went to a new years party of a friend and was taking pictures as usual. I always take the pictures everywhere I go and I am never in the shot. This time everyone was saying that I was taking all these pictures and was not in them. So, I set up my camera on a timer and took a couple of pictures. I looked fine. I know my angles and how to make myself look great.


     As the night progressed the drinking and the my camera continued to go off all night. At one point again the crowed would call for me to get in the picture. Many offered to take the shot. So I caved in and allowed someone to manhandle my baby. They did a great job but what I saw was not my best.  

I never take a full body shot.
I look like I'm six months pregnant.
Oh my, the biggest person there was smaller than me.

      After seeing these pictures, I found some of that motivation to lose the weight this year. A couple of days ago I submitted a video for a contest. It is for a four week stay at the Biggest Loser Resort in Malibu. Now I want it more than ever. I am a little freaked out after looking at this because I have never been this big. In order for me to win, I need the help of everybody to vote for me. I hope I get enough. It is not only about looking good but it is also about my health. I am starting to realized that my energy level is diminishing. It could be my age or the weight. I hope it's the weight because I can change that.

This is my video entry

Click on the link to vote for me:
This contest is threw Facebook.
     This year will be the year that everything that I wish for will come true. To paraphrase Jesus, You need to fix what is wrong with you first before you can fix anybody else. So, I need your help to help myself. For all that know me, you know it will not only stay with me. I will pay it forward in appreciation. Oh, I would do it even if I didn't win. I would surely be happier doing things for others lighter. Love you all. I'll talk at you next week.

P.S. I will be posting once a week.

P.P.S. If you haven't seen my 365 Days of Pictures Project, here is the link:

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Oh Dear! Day 1 of 365 Days of Pictures

YAY!, It is day Numero Uno of my 365 Days of Pictures. This picture was taken during my ski trip up in the Pocono Mountains this passed weekend. Found this heard of Dear walking threw the neighborhood. Never knew that dear go into “Laser eye Mode” when you take a picture of them. I would have never known that I had taken a picture of another dear in the distance, if it wasn’t for their laser eyes. LOL I’m just being silly. Well, the journey has begun. Hope you enjoy and I’m see you tomorrow.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Whoo Hoo! I started a Blog.

Hello everyone and welcome to my new blog. First I would like to forewarn you that I am not much of a writer. Please bare with me as I grow with this blog and writing, My objective of this blog site is to share some of the most important things in my life. The main idea is to hold myself accountable for my weight loss, and to show off my creative side. Be it through photos, videos, stories, poems, updates on eating habits, recipes, and exercises.

The title of my blog should be self explanatory. If not, here is what it means. Lite stands for what I will be in a few month (hopefully) and will be maintaining once the weight is gone. Camera stands for camera, LOL. Action stands for everything else I will be bringing to you on this blog.

OK, a little about myself. My name is David Junior (aajunior). I was born a gorgeous gay boy on August 26, 1968 in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. I migrated to the Brooklyn, NY at the age of 2. At that age, I learned English and how to eat junk food very quickly. OK, I'll leave this story for a little later. I will get back to it with pictures. My life stories will be some of the topics I will bring up. Get ready for some juicy stuff. Sometime I will be very candid. *wink, wink*.

I will be starting this week my project of 365 days of pictures. I will be posting a photo a day. It will be on various thing and people. This will be separate from other photos that I will put up like projects for school and photos that accompany a particular story. 

I know I'm all over the place right now with this. I will tighten everything up in future. Thank you, for taking the time to read what I have to say. Looking forward to all your reposes. Stay Blessed.